How to Create a Cozy Indoor Garden With Stylish Garden Windows

With the right plants and decor, garden windows can transform your home. They can also help purify the air, reducing the concentration of harmful pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. Opt for plants that love sunny environments, such as ivy and peace lilies. Or try pothos and spider plants that thrive in low-light conditions.

Choose the Right Window Installation Professional

Before you hire a window installation professional, obtain quotes from several companies. It will allow you to compare costs, services, and timelines. It will also help you select a well-suited professional for the project. It would help if you also inquired about the company’s reputation. Seek referrals from neighbors, friends, and family. You can also get a sense of the caliber of work by reading internet reviews. Ideally, it would help if you chose an experienced window installation professional. It will ensure that the project is executed correctly and efficiently. A reputable professional will also offer warranties covering the windows and the installation process. Garden windows typically come with shelves, allowing you to display plants and decor. They are perfect for adding natural light to your kitchen and can even serve as a small greenhouse for sprouts and seedlings. In addition, a quaint indoor garden can add a splash of color to the space and complement the overall design of your apartment.

Arrange Plants and Decor

Whether you have a large garden window or a smaller single-hung or casement-style window, it’s easy to transform the space into a cozy indoor garden. Just be sure to choose the right plants for the setting and ensure they get adequate light. Avoid putting plants near air vents, heaters, or ACs, which can reduce the humidity and damage the leaves. Plants should be arranged in odd numbers to make a visually striking arrangement. An even number of plants looks more symmetrical and formal, while an odd number creates a more organic look. Choosing plants of different widths and heights also helps add visual interest to the arrangement. Lush cascading plants like mistletoe cactus or heart leaf philodendron look stunning in hanging planters, filling a bare wall or corner with a natural curtain resembling upcycled materials. Pair them with natural wood stands and rattan chairs for a warm, minimalist finish.

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Add Light

The way you arrange your indoor garden depends on the type of plants you choose and how much space you have to work with. If you want a more lush, exotic look, try trailing greenery like ivy, philodendrons, or ferns to create a jungle effect. Alternatively, use low-maintenance plants that can grow in the shade, such as pothos or calatheas. If you don’t have room for a vertical or living wall garden, try spreading plants horizontally along shelves. This design works well for kitchens where you can add herbs that can be used to make meals.

For a more modern twist on an indoor garden, try using a green wall grid that divides the foliage into different designs to create a unique visual aesthetic. This type of garden works well for offices and restaurants as it helps to add privacy without blocking the view or making the space feel small. This garden style also functions as a natural air purifier and can help keep the space cool.

Add a Bonsai Tree

An awe-inspiring bonsai tree in an indoor garden window is a stunning addition to any home. These miniature trees are shaped and pruned over time to give them an artistic windswept appearance like that of gnarled tresses in nature. While these plants can be challenging to grow, they offer a unique appeal that adds sophistication to any space. The key to success is choosing the right plant and the best pot for its needs. Bonsai trees prefer to be planted in pots that restrict their growth and need enough soil to absorb water and nutrients. Look for a pot large enough for the roots without dwarfing it, and be sure it has one or more drainage holes at the bottom. Keep in mind that regularly repotting your tree is essential. Aim to report when the tree’s growth slows down in the fall or winter and can absorb more nutrients.

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