4 Reasons Why You Need an Electronic Door Lock for Your Home

Unlike traditional locks, smart ones use PIN entry methods or app controls for locking and unlocking. Some even have built-in battery backups in case of power outages. They offer control over who enters, making them ideal for vacation rentals and homeowners with trusted dog walkers, house cleaners, or contractors. They can also be used with smart home devices like lights and security cameras.


Unlike traditional locks, smart locks don’t require a key to operate. Instead, they use an electronic keypad above your doorknob or door handle and PIN codes to allow access. You can control your electronic door lock Orlando with a smartphone app and even set timed schedules for when the lock activates. This helps you avoid fumbling in your bag for keys or hiding spares under the flowerpot. It also lets you grant temporary access to guests and service providers like couriers, eliminating the risk of porch piracy. Smart locks can be either wireless or hardwired. You can find models that offer voice control, remote access, and other features, but these often come at an extra cost.


Whether you need to give access to house guests, pet sitters, or service providers, smart locks let you quickly and securely grant temporary entry. Using encrypted codes and biometric authentication, these locks also have anti-tamper alarms to protect your home from intruders. Many electronic door locks allow you to customize alerts through the app or touch-screen base station to notify you of visitors and status updates. This lets you know your kids have safely returned from school, the dog walker has arrived, and the housekeeper or guest has checked out. Ensuring your smart lock is installed correctly is essential to prevent security risks like hacking and tampering. Look for options with professional installation to guarantee the system is configured correctly and working as intended. It’s also essential to update your lock to the latest firmware and two-factor authentication for security. Check for integrations to make sure you can connect it to your other smart-home devices.

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Access Control

Digital locks don’t require card readers or physical keys, making them a quick and easy solution for businesses and homes with many people who can access the building. This eliminates the risk of lost or stolen cards or keys, making it easier to give temporary access to employees or guests. With smart locks, you can also receive notifications on your smartphone when the door is opened. This is useful if you want to keep tabs on who’s coming and going, and it can also help you determine if your kids are getting home safely from school if they take the bus or ride with friends. With the right system, you can even automate the locking process by integrating your electronic lock with your home security and automation systems.


Many smart locks feature energy-harvesting technology, a great way to reduce energy consumption. This is achieved by converting ambient energy sources like radio frequencies from WiFi signals, thermal or vibration energy, and even light into electrical power. This helps the lock keep its internal battery reserves charged and reduces reliance on external energy sources Some of the more popular smart locks offer several other benefits via connectivity to applications on cell phones, such as facial recognition services that allow you to assign different entry codes for family members and guests or notifications whenever your door is opened or closed. These features are ideal for tracking who enters your home and ensuring you lock the door when leaving. To extend the lifespan of your digital door lock, try to refrain from hanging things on it. It is also a good idea to teach children not to play with the device and to keep it out of reach from curious young hands.

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